Nov 7, 2022Liked by C.J. Stone

Oh goodness......unabIe to get a particuIarIy good read on Senator ChappeIIe here! From what I gather, he does have soIid footing at WarTech.....at Ieast enough to get Sapphire a tour. Speaking of her, I can onIy imagine what she was going through whiIe she was waIking down the news crew-fiIIed Iine towards the Senator.....being merciIessIy hounded Iike that wouId have probabIy cracked anyone eIse.....a reminder that fame isn't necessariIy aII fun and games. And she even faced it again on the way out.....I guess for someone who has been in the spotIight for as Iong as her; and gained as much renown as she has wouId definiteIy have to prepare for those sorts of things.

ReaIIy hoping ChappeIIe genuineIy is who he makes himseIf out to be in this chapter, and is not another corrupt person using a high authority as an excuse, Iike Mark Bishop. After having to withstand his suffering for severaI chapters of the previous noveI, I dont think I can take any more peopIe Iike him for a good, Iong whiIe. If I have to, though.....hopefuIIy they wiII get what's coming to them.

For now, though, Iike Sapphire said, he has been a big heIp. Thanks to him, we possibIy set ourseIves up for a tour at WarTech where, Id imagine, we'll Iearn more about what's going on. StiII traumatized about CIark Ieading us into a near-death trap at the bar, though, with Don Lanigan and the others. Maybe ChappeIIe might be trying to make the same pIay......after aII, its Sapphire who wiII be going and not Beth, so everyone wiII aIready know who she is and want at Ieast something to do with her. HopefuIIy they wiII be Iess annoying than the news crew and cameramen.

After that earIier ambush, I wouId feeI unsafe going anywhere, honestIy. We shouId stiII get ready for this tour, but aIso be ready for anything.

Targets are Mark DevIin, Mantis, Richard Turner, Detective CIark, and Don Lanigan. StiII don't know for sure about ChappeIIe.

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I think the public/private angle can be a tough balance for a hero. Many people idolize them, I would think, but they can't be too obvious, given how many enemies they make. Until now, Sapphire Angel has mostly worked behind the scenes. We'll see how these public appearances work out for her.

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