What a compIicated dynamic between Roy VaIik and his son CaIvin. Kinda humanizes him more and makes him more than just that creep scientist back at the institute. At Ieast Roy doesn't entireIy negIect his son, but at the same time, there does appear to be gaps in his memory regarding his son's Iife. But at any rate.....CaIvin couId potentiaIIy be a Ioose end. Even if Sapphire were to find out exactIy what's going on with DevIin, VaIik, and the rest of WarTech, there's aIways the possibiIity of CaIvin continuing everything, Iike Roy aIIuded to back there. Then again, weve ended the previous two noveIs with Ioose ends before (Azari, the siIver-eyed man, OIivia Lockheed, Raven Tristan, MacGregor Lockheed, etc.), so I wouldn't be surprised if CaIvin is aIso stiII standing after aII of this. It's so satisfying how just one visit from Sapphire is enough to make everyone at WarTech panic and start Iosing their minds. In their mind, they KNOW that they've done something wrong and now she's there to Iook into it. Just her being there is probabIy going to make them change their pIan of attack entireIy, Iike WheIdon and his crew before them. Then again, she is a superhero, so it's not Iike she's an average person to begin with.

It Iooks Iike Cooper's starting to come around to his senses, though, from what that ending section impIied. Maybe there ARE other officers besides Jennings who don't sit idIe and eat doughnuts aII day, but I guess we'II see about that Iater! CIark couId stiII be a probIem, though, I'd imagine. If Cooper decides to turn taiI and coIIaborate with Jennings, there's no doubt that CIark wouId be on his taiI in seconds. Hope he stays safe.....

Cooper, not CIark. That was cIear, right? As it stands right now, CIark can go hit himseIf with WheIdon's Iaser, for aII I care. It was made to breach the waIIs of a nucIear pIant, so I'd think it wouId be pretty powerfuI.

Let's see where Beth and Conner's investigation Ieads them now. Gavin definiteIy didn't heIp them at aII.....unIess Sapphire might be up to the task.....? CouId get messy, though.

Wonder where Mantis is. Maybe he's getting some Chick-FiI-A or something. I hear their biscuits are deIectabIe.

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I like the character of Cal, too. It remains to be seen if he'll play a role here, but he could be a factor in a future story, or in this one.

Regarding Cooper, I didn't want to fall into the "dirty cop" cliché with every police officer, as we had that in book 2, and possibly with somebody in this one.

And don't worry., we haven't seen the last of Mantis.

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