Feb 13, 2023Liked by C.J. Stone

Nassar and (I’m assuming) Azari really took Sapphire’s escape surprisingly well. Then again, she wasn’t exactly the main thing they were there for, though I’d imagine she would’ve made a neat bonus for them. Bet the sight of the downed guards really sent Devlin into a bit of a panic, but that’s what Sapphire Angel does to any villain, really.

That spy work from Sapphire and Conner.....they do a good job of staying out of sight. Or maybe one of the people on the grounds already noticed them and they have no idea. Wouldn’t that be a twist? I could see Sapphire having traumatic flashbacks when spying on a place that did such negative things to her, but something tells me she’s about to pay them back for it soon enough. It seems to me like both Stanley and Conner are technology people to an extent, though right now it looks like Stanley is definitely more so. I would love to have him at the backline of a spy team if I ever put one together!

That last section with Roy Valik was quite interesting. So Fizzure Technologies---the company from the first novel---researched the Noctecite before Valik did.....except that the place went up in an explosion before they found anything, which I’m pretty sure might be the same explosion that the silver-eyed man caused near the end of that story in order to get rid of any evidence regarding their plan. I still think he’s a super.....silver eyes aren’t particularly that common. Since it was specified that the Noctecite’s readings are the exact opposite from Sapphire’s powers, I’m guessing Valik might use it in some kind of device/gadget that will serve as an inhibitor for her abilities. To take away her bulletproof attributes and render her a sitting duck, you know? Kind of like a whole “energy waves can be counteracted simply by releasing opposing waves” thing. Or maybe he’ll be able to use it to recreate the machine that killed John and gave Sapphire her powers! I doubt it’d do anything harmful OR beneficial to him, though, since he’s dressed like a scientist.

Although.....with that last sentence, I’d imagine this is a high-risk, high-reward thing. Devlin’s already angry as is, and I’m sure Valik wouldn’t want to disappoint him further. But is that chance really worth his life? And that’s not even getting into what would happen to his son Calvin if Roy wasn’t around. If he does succeed, though, and finds a way to counteract Sapphire’s powers.....she’s going to be in for quite the fight indeed. Wondering how she’ll get out of that one. They might not even need any kind of shrewd trap/plan in that case.....they could probably just rush her at that point and they’d be fine.

About 9 more chapters for this novel to throw me another curveball! Waiting on Sapphire to (probably) sabotage the presentation somehow and maybe bring all of these men in.....? Then again, these novels have thrown me for several loops on numerous occasions, so there’s that. Can I at least write Mark Devlin off? Because Demarco Dominick and Xavier Wheldon both died.

Demarco Dominick had an ill child. Xavier Wheldon’s brother was killed in war. Mark Devlin dealt with severe failure/insecurity issues in his youth. I put myself in a lot of peoples’ shoes relatively easily, so I probably felt bad for them a lot more than what was intended. Maybe there’s some alternate universe out there where they actually managed to get those issues taken care of without resorting to villainy, but....oh, well. At least they’re dead now and they don’t have to worry about any of that anymore. Well.....Dominick and Wheldon, anyway.

Let’s keep it going! See you on Thursday!

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