Sep 12, 2022Liked by C.J. Stone

I don’t……I don’t even know what to……whaaaaaaat…….

This is…..baloney. This is…..malarkey! This is…..asinine! THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE!

(sigh) Wheldon and Raven, man, Wheldon and Raven…..and MacGregor, too, I guess, to a smaller extent. I really feel like there’s something wrong going on with this deal, and she has a duty to expose it as a blogger/reporter. But, like….I don’t know….maybe there’s still a way to do this while keeping her identity a secret…..? Ugh….

You’re doing a great job of making me want to read on. Good job to you! 👍🏽

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Yes, quite the dilemma for her, which is exactly what Wheldon wanted — to have the heroine under his thumb. Let's see how she handles this.

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