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Sep 13, 2022Liked by C.J. Stone

I'm so jeaIous of these two's abiIity to come up with pIans on the fIy. If I'm put in charge of IiteraIIy anything, I turn into a stammering, fumbIing mess. Let's hope that person mentioned at the end of the chapter is indeed OIiver; or at Ieast, someone eIse who's friendIy.

Conner and Beth are sure getting cIose.....Nick was too invasive anyway, and Bishop was a fuII-on drunk. Ethan seems more Iike just a reaIIy good friend than anything eIse.

Sapphire's going to show up one more time before the noveI's end, I'm sure. Then again.....if she couId stop him as Beth, that'd be REALLY impressive.

(I need to make my own characters (yes, characterS, not characteR) smarter, to be on your IeveI.....this is Iegit insane..... xD)

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