Aug 4, 2023Liked by C.J. Stone

WOOOOOO! WOO-HOO! I didn’t believe that the Savage Gang had Sapphire on the ropes for even the slightest one-millionth of a millisecond (if there even ARE smaller measurements of time than that). What’s so fitting is that although the car (Ariel) is what gave away Sapphire’s presence when they were first planning the ambush, it was also what ended up saving her life. I guess that’s another “ally” (though not exactly sentient) that Sapphire has during her missions, besides Stanley and Conner’s tech know-how and Ethan’s support. I can’t help but worry, though; Sapphire blaming Lockheed for her misfortune might potentially drive a wedge into what could have been an efficient working relationship between them; I had hoped that Lockheed would be able to overcome her negative (and “positive”, I guess) feelings for Sapphire in favor of a collaboration, but.....I don’t know.....after this happened and Sapphire viewing Lockheed as a “distraction”, things aren’t looking so good. I also wonder how this will affect the mission to the gun shop; Beth might end up refusing to work with Lockheed now.

The more victories that Sapphire puts under her belt (regardless of how narrow this one was), the more I feel good about her getting out of future one’s okay. Again, like before, the only character I could possibly see dying in this gun shop attack is T.L. Grim; I don’t feel like Olivia Lockheed would die in the middle of her character arc right when she’s starting to (maybe) turn out for the better. And of course, Beth can’t die because reasons. Wonder if we’ll get a scene where T.L. Grim just starts trying to fruitlessly riddle Beth full of bullets, but she just stands there and takes absolutely every single one without flinching.....perhaps even acting as a “shield” for Lockheed. And then he wastes all of them and then the Savage Gang blows up the place. ......Or something.

Good thing Rocco and his friends already had that gun shop attack lined up; otherwise, who knows how Savage would’ve reacted to the failed hit on Sapphire in the garage? I still think he’s basically going to finish himself off, between the sheer amount of drugs being injected into his system, his temper problems, and his waning patience.

If I were to keep reading further on the other site that you have, would I still be able to leave comments like I do here? Or can I only “like” chapters, with that being the end of it?

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We will find out very soon if this drives a wedge between Lockheed and Beth/Sapphire Angel. I think Beth is too eager to move the needle on taking down that gang, for her to step away because of Lockheed.

Regarding Grim and bullets, don't forget that Beth is only bulletproof when she's Sapphire Angel. The necklace only appears after she transforms, so she's no more powerful than you or me in her normal guise.

And yeah, good thing Savage doesn't know about the garage incident.

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