Jun 3Liked by C.J. Stone

Dude, I feel like I'm watching the text version of an intense multi-episode streaming series/drama or something! The whole "END OF PART ONE" stuff gave me legit chills; maybe everything from Chapter 1 to here could have been its own novel while the second half also got its own novel, to give off the whole "two-part finale" impression! Though I think I recall hearing that there is at least one more novel planned after this one.....?

Like I said before, if there's one thing I've learned from most superhero flicks, it's that the lower a hero's brought down, the fiercer and better they get back up (look at how the Avengers and their allies went from being Snapped at the end of Infinity War to trouncing Thanos at the end of Endgame five in-universe years later). Still.....the thought of both her costume and her necklace being somewhere out there also gave me a sense of unease. .....What if some people are USING it? What if Augustus Bell puts on the costume and the necklace and becomes the NEW Sapphire Angel?!

......No, who am I kidding? That's never gonna happen. I'd be throwing money at him to put a DIFFERENT outfit on, in that case.

Where do we even go from here? What even happens next? Beth's allies are all just normal people, and even if they have great tech courtesy of Stanley Devor, I don't think they'll be able to find this place easily, much less mount a rescue. And for all we know, Olivia Lockheed's whole dynamic with Sapphire is at an end.

......Justice Seekers? Now's your chance to shine! (cricket noises) ......No? Okay..... Maybe they'll intercept Savage and the Gang when they try to go back to Harrisburg. And then they'll be the "heroes" for a while. And then when Beth escapes the prison, defeats Bell, and heads back, everyone loves them now instead of her and she has to work over the course of several novels to restore her rep or something. And there's also the two random gang members who still have her car and are out there doing God-knows-what with it.

It's fine if there's a break between Part One and Part Two; take your time! I'll be right here as long as this series (and others like it) keeps going! Or until I die! Whichever comes first!

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Addressing some of your points…

- yes, this could have been its own novel, but I felt like I didn’t want to add to it just to hit a word count.

- the intent of this chapter was to put an exclamation point on the hero having now hit rock bottom, her defeat being total, and her days as a hero finished.

- as far as we know, she’s the only one who can use the necklace, so its a trophy right now. We will see what is done with it, though, in a future chapter. Lockheed has the costume, which I think we saw, but the question remains what she’ll do with it.

- right now I don’t have a break planned before part 2, although there will probably be a break (maybe a long one) after this saga is done, as I don’t have anything else queued up yet.

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