Jun 10Liked by C.J. Stone

Well, now.....all of the multi-sided behavior from Savage in the first half of the chapter really got me interested. At first, one might possibly see it as him not caring about his own men (particularly, whether or not they get "arrested" by Lockheed to get her a promotion), but it's obvious Savage has much further plans beyond just that. Still, I'm wondering what the people who get sent on this mission will think; the ones who will ultimately be arrested by Lockheed if the operation goes through successfully. Would they be so devoted to Savage's cause that they'd get incarcerated for it (I could see some zealous and overly loyal people doing that), or would they not be on board and try to throw everything off-balance instead? And I suppose it's a good thing that Lockheed decided not to reveal Sapphire's identity for the time being---as interesting as the reasons for it were---since that would just be rubbing even more salt in the wound after everything else that's happened. At least Lockheed still has somewhat(?) of a heart, not wanting Conner to get caught in the middle of her beef with Sapphire (then again, he was formerly her lover for a time).....but dang. I said it before and I'll say it again; Lockheed's got issues.

So we're going to try and pull off a staged operation that will ideally result in the arrest of some of Savage's own men, Lockheed's promotion, and big information on the FBI, assuming everything pans out. Gosh.....imagine if Lee and Sanders come to the "rescue" in Sapphire Angel's car. They'd be like, "Hey, Lockheed! You need our help?!" or something like that. Then again, with how obsessed Lockheed is with Sapphire, I could picture her doing some very.....unsavory.....acts to that car if she ever got her hands on it. It might need a replacement tailpipe afterwards.

I still think there's hope for Megan Lawlor. The fame and acknowledgment that came with journalism---and her competition with her coworker---kind of got to her for a time, but if anyone stands the best chance of withholding that footage and keeping Sapphire's people hopeful for just a little while longer, it'd be her. I always felt like her allying with the Gang (even if it was for her own reasons, despite literally having been their hostage at one point) was a bit too far, and that she could've settled things by other means. But she didn't, so I guess she has to make this decision now.

Let's get things rolling!

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I think Savage doesn’t consider these men “his” any longer, as they’re the ones stealing from the gang, so he sees it as perfectly normal that he’d set an example with them.

People knowing the hero’s identity is a tricky thing for a writer. Once someone knows it, then, going forward, you have to have a reason they’d keep it secret, kill them off, or write around it in some other way. Or have the hero’s whole world come crashing down.

Lawlor is definitely having regrets, although Savage didn’t really leave her many options when his men snatched her from her apartment. I’m sure she didn’t want to consider what he would have done if she said, “Nah, I’m good,” when Savage’s men came to take her.

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