Jun 20Liked by C.J. Stone

Awww, that’s nice that Conner still cares about Beth and what happens to her even though they’ve been through some rather rough patches. Maybe a small part of him still acknowledges that she “saved” him, in part, from whatever Lockheed had going on during the time that SHE and Conner were in a relationship, and now would be a great time to return the favor for that…..? I honestly half-thought that Conner wasn’t going to be much help at all in this second half; I thought he’d have been all like “I had terrible experiences with both Beth and Lockheed, and now you want me to talk to the latter to have a chance at rescuing the former? Yeah, no, you and Stanley are on your own, nuts to you, and have a good day, sir!” …..You know, something along those lines. And then he’d go back to eating his pizza slice in indignation. Then again, it’d make sense that he’d still be against the Savage Gang (you’d either have to be a loon or forcibly coerced in order to side with them), so maybe a part of him is more “anti-Savage Gang” rather than “save Beth”? If he really does still like her, though, that’d be a relationship among relationships, and I’d officially envy him for his patience.

That whole sequence with Lockheed and Bridgette kind of came out of the blue, but oh my gosh, it felt SO cathartic to finally have Lockheed on the receiving end of whatever the heck she had tried to do to Sapphire multiple times up until this point. I don’t know if Bridgette’s set to be a major character for the second half or if she’s like another Ted from “Deconstruction”, but at any rate, I think she really inspired some, uhhh….. “change” in Lockheed’s point of view.

Speaking of which, could you imagine how awkward it’d be if Lockheed and Bridgette were in the middle of playing around, and then Lockheed’s phone suddenly goes to speaker and Conner started talking through it? So both Lockheed and Bridgette could hear? That’d have been hilarious. …..Maybe Bridgette’s ANOTHER Savage Gang mole or something. Savage’s secret enforcer sent to keep an eye on Olivia Lockheed while she’s away from the Gang’s hideouts/bases.

I hope they’re able to find Beth soon. But, oh man…..if they get there and they’re too late, only seeing her back in her costume in all her glory and surrounded by Augustus Bell, motionless Savage Gang members, and the unconscious Cobras…..that’d be amazing.

Keeping things here!

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I don’t know that it was ever a question of Conner caring about Beth. If anything, he cared too much and worried too much, which spelled doom for their relationship. Right about now, I think he’s worried that his worst fears have come true.

Bridgette will have a role going forward, although not a huge, huge one. She ties into Lockheed a bit (no pun intended), and we’ll see how their interaction leads into things. I will say she’s not a mole for the gang, though.

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