Jun 27Liked by C.J. Stone

Oh, whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Okay, I had a feeling that Rando and Beth might eventually end up at the same place after noting that the mysterious old woman visited both of them on different occasions, but dang…..I wasn’t expecting them to meet up right now! The fact that he’s still able to make it down here despite being a former police chief who’s fallen from grace kind of brings up something that I’m thinking of covering in my own selections: like, if someone doesn’t have any official credentials to their name (or had those credentials in the past but were stripped of them), but still know the tricks of their trade, should they still be considered “qualified”? Like, for instance, if someone knows a lot about human anatomy and physiology and is able to help a doctor, but does not have an official Ph.D., are they qualified to help in an emergency? Things like that.

The whole concept of respect, hierarchies, politics, etc. going on in the Dungeon makes it stand out even more from a lot of typical average prisons, IMO. Could you imagine if real-world prisons worked like that? Like, if you were just that charismatic, the guards would literally just allow you free rein of the institution as long as you weren’t too aggressive? I’d imagine it’d be easier to get out earlier on good behavior if that were the case, but I guess it’d also make it easier for the more shady types to take advantage of.

It kind of sucks that Rando’s ending words of motivation haven’t quite touched Beth yet, but dude. If she can work her way up to the position that Rando’s at—and prove to the other prisoners that she’s worthy of their respect and stuff—that’d be SICK. Unfortunately, her costume and her necklace are in various other places right now that are not her cell, so that might(?) be a bit difficult without them…..? Maybe just…..being a good person or standing her ground repeatedly will be enough to get her there….? I don’t know, I guess I could hope.


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I probably didn't make it clear enough, but for a while now, Rando has been at this prison, maybe not in the special wing but in these lower, secret levels. He had a visit from the old woman, too, earlier in the story, if I recall.

Beth is going to have a road to recovery, I think, beyond just getting the necklace back, which is uncertain, too. I suspect this isn't the type of place, either, where being a good person is going to get her too far. There are people like her and Rando here, who were brought here for a purpose, but there are lots of bad folks here, too.

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